“I have an almost narcissistic love of taking on challenges head on and there is absolutely nothing that can stop me in my journey to test and push boundaries that were thought to be unbreakable like solid walls. Watch me.”
-Lee, Founder of Elysian Acoustic Labs

The path to excellence started off in 2015 with anger at the inadequacies of the IEM options of the era. Out on a quest to reinvent what sound means to him, Mechanical Engineer Lee Quan Min took it upon himself to refurbish an old Ultimate Ears TripleFi10. Upon gaining public interest from local hobbyists, Lee Started providing reshell services and thus accumulating experience along the way.
Elysian Acoustic Labs was incorporated by Lee in 2016 to officially receive reshell orders. After reshelling countless IEMs, Lee is more than ready to take on what seemed impossible at that point in time - a totally self-crafted IEM with his very own house sound, something very different from the mass out there. From the persistence of pursuing audio excellence, Lee managed to achieve the Elysian he is looking for.
The breakthrough happened in the Japanese market, merely 1 year into actively honing the craft. Followers after followers came with reshell services and the introduction of Elysian's initial batch of IEMs carrying a unique house sound. Elysian participated in the 2019 Fujiya Avic X Foster Alliance Program IEM making competition and easily defeated its competitors, earning itself the revered First Place award. With this opportunity, Lee gathered much understanding for the Foster driver and created his innovative Dive Pass system to control the driver.